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QGO® - The Tracking Network

True to our motto “For sure be sure” another safety feature will provide you with a tool so that you can be sure about the whereabouts of your goods in transit our innovation QGO®!

In the process it is important for us to keep the costs for you as low as possible so that, in comparison with conventional systems, we can dispense with dedicated and frequently very cost-intensive scanner devices and instead of that work with what is already available as a rule: 

An Android smartphone.


The tool is made up of two parts: 

  • A web page, giving you the actual position and providing you with other information about your seal
  • An Android App with which our seals can be scanned and provided with various information on the web page.


In addition to this, you can integrate our service in your own systems with the aid of various data interfaces – in our case SAP Business One®.


When our Ferrotec seals are delivered, you already have everything you need for this. We will send you a separate e-mail with your login details for your protected area on our server. Use them to log in to the Internet application and create access for logistics personnel with just one click.

They install our App on their smartphone and in turn receive their login details from you via a QR code. All preparations have then been completed.


If your service provider now scans in a seal, his GPS position is automatically transmitted giving him the opportunity to also add photos of the load and the sealing in addition to simple text messages. 
This is very useful for giving of evidence in case of damage and in the event of any examinations by instances such as the customs authorities.

After every scan you will receive an advice note by e-mail so that you are always up to date.

We would like to invite you to test our new feature free of charge and without obligation and would be very pleased to receive your feedback!

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.
Your Ferrotec-Team